In honor of my birthday, I'm sharing my favorite gift idea. I've always loved to paint and draw and I'm excited to see a resurgence of it's popularity. Paint night's are all the rage and for a good reason. They get families and friends who wouldn't normally create, painting canvases together.
My daughter with her masterpiece.
The key to their success is they select easy design that can be broken down into simple steps. The landscape themes often have vibrant sunsets or snowscapes in the background and black silhouetted branches or trees in the foreground. Easy to master and extremely rewarding, these paintings get 'artists' hooked.
Dining room table paint studio. Both girls are painting from their imaginations.
You're never to young or old to start painting. I haven't met a child who doesn't love to paint. My daughter and I filled a few small canvases during a school holiday. When her friend came over she was excited to share the process with her. Like everything practice makes perfect, the more you do the more confidence you'll gain and the more you'll enjoy it.
Don't limit yourself to the images from the Internet, paint the fruit on the counter, flowers on table, dessert from the bakery, even the shoes by the door. You don't need to take a class or even leave your home. Clear off the table and turn on some music and paint.
Acrylic painting essentials.
Share the gift of creativity and wrap up a painting kit for someone you love. The perfect kit has a couple canvases, a small set of brushes and a beginners acrylic paint set. I've written up a 'getting started + technique sheet' that you can print and tuck into the gift.
All wrapped up to take to the party!
Creative gifts are the best. They don't require batteries and they get children and families to unplug and make things together. Wish I could see the finished canvases.
Awesome 58 color Liquitex boxed set.
If the gift is a success there's no end to supplies you can add: more brushes, canvases and paint colors. Here's the box of paints I covet. I gave them to my son for Christmas, and he took them back to college. I did see a new box shelved at the store this week.